Flametree Group: Zoe Beauty Lotion

Creative TV Commercials

Flametree Group Holdings is a listed company in the NSE.


We were called upon to create an advert for Zoe Beauty Lotion. The product is very popular among Kenyans. Having done previous successful campaigns, the product had gone silent for a while. Our work was to come up with a compelling TV ad that would break the silence. We also tasked to create photo stories showing skincare tips and tricks while highlighting the product usage and interaction with the customer.


We began with heated brainstorm activities, which resulted in a humorous advert concept. Production captured a humorous twist of the age-old boy-girl attraction. For the photostories, a simple salon setting, a few models and two cameras did the trick!


The result was a successful, humor-filled, and highly memorable advert, which everyone could relate to. The photostories brought a stir on the social media pages as everyone started sharing and applying useful tips. This stir led to a recommendation on digital boosting on social media for Zoe. This has resulted in an increase in online customers who are now able to follow and interact with a product they love.